Often still ridiculed, the new ´Hobby Birding` is spreading more and more. And that raises the first question: Is birding really just a Hobby? And what crazy People do birding?
The answer is simple. Us and many many thousands of others!

Crowds of people around a tiny creature. People dressed in camouflage, not even seen by a sparrow,and some who rush to the airport due to some news of a bird being seen in the opposite side of the world, that is missing in their soo called life list....
Yes this is probably the most common picture of birders right now. And again yes this is birding too. But Birding is much more and so diverse. There are the collectors, photo hunters, explorers, nature lovers and even the Twitchers. But whatever you call them, they all unite to love and live nature. The urge to be outdoors is what drives birders to the next level.
No other "hobby" brings you as close to nature as birding. Discovering unique and unseen landscapes, unique habitats and above all, Birding offers a place and the time to enjoy mother nature.

Birding is definitely not an afternoon activity done in two hours - it takes time and patience, and you get better at it as you go. Your knowledge increases and your senses sharpen day by day. And yet it is often this one experience or a special person who awakens the fascination and interest of birds in you. Everyone started small, and the beginning is hard. But once the birds get you, it's hard to get away from them.
Best thing about it is, birds here are as good as the ones anywhere else in the world. But unfortunately we overlook them too often.
Knuckles is a biodiversity hot spot for flora and fauna and appears to be a birding hot spot as well. The Knuckles Range has recorded 128 bird species and 17 of them are endemic. You can be a twitcher or be someone that just admires birds , but you are all welcome to tag along with us in an adventurous quest to find the beautiful birds of Ceylon.
We love our birds!
Your Team of By Foot Adventures Sri Lanka
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